Currently, being in Krakow, you can meet a lot of people who offer us the recently popular Auschwitz tour. Many tourists choose just such Auschwitz tours, because thanks to this you can see the museum and learn about the history of the concentration camp. Everyone should visit this place at least once in their life. So what exactly is Auschwitz and why is it so important to go there?
Important Auschwitz private tour
Definitely Krakow is a very beautiful place where you can find numerous monuments. However, deciding on a trip to the former capital of Poland, it is also worth looking for other sights around this beautiful city. One of them will certainly be the Auschwitz museum.
Every year, many tourists choose, among others, Auschwitz private torus with a local company SeeKrakow. It is worthz choosing such a solution, because thanks to it you can learn a part of the history not only of Poland, but also of whole Europe. During World War II, it was to Auschwitz that people were brought and killed in gas chambers and crematorium. Many of them also died of exhaustion. Low food rations and the enormity of murderous work meant that often prisoners of this camp even murdered each other.
It is a place located near Krakow, which everyone should visit at least once in their life. In particular, it is important to honor the victims of German crimes that took place in the current city of Oświęcim. You can opt for a private trip, but you can also find many day trips to Auschwitz from Krakow. However, you have to prepare for really thrilling moments.